Peaceful: Weekly Travel Theme

What isn’t more peaceful than a cat curled up and sleeping? It is so fun to watch them as their whiskers twitch and paws move as they dream of play and catching mice.

Holly sleeping in a lawn chair Noelville Trailer Camp Ground.

Holly sleeping in a lawn chair Noelville Trailer Camp Ground.


Willow Sound Asleep

Willow Sound Asleep

Now this is the life šŸ™‚

What is peaceful to you? Tell me below in the comment section, or post your own. Visit “Where’s My Backpack” to find out how.



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12 thoughts on “Peaceful: Weekly Travel Theme

  1. Pingback: Peaceful #2: Travel Theme | Canadiantravelbugs's Blog

  2. Life moves pretty fast sometimes and if you don’t snap a picture of it you might just miss it!

    Check out my Fleeting Moment Post by going here:

  3. Cats are just the best at relaxing!

  4. Freda Goulet

    The most peaceful experience I have is walking in early morning in summer just as the sun is coming up…the chirping sounds of birds awakening to their day all around me. It is much more peaceful then before the sounds of traffic and humans spoil the early morning solitude. Also, walking on a sandy beach with gentle waves breaking on the shore is very peaceful as well.

  5. Both adorable. That Willow is so precious. Keep her away from the remote! šŸ˜€

    • Yes she likes to chew the remote! As she turns from kitten to cat she is slowly learning as I… not to leave it laying about.

  6. Pingback: What is it? Luo Han Guo | Canadiantravelbugs's Blog

  7. Pingback: 6-9-13 Travel Theme-Peaceful #2 | The Quotidian Hudson

  8. Willow looks relaxing and happy šŸ™‚ I envy her!

    • She is a cutie… rarely do you see her relax since she is still a kitten and plays most of the time. Most of my photos of her are blurry for that reason… she doesn’t sit still a lot šŸ˜‰ As she is nearing a year she is relaxing more and playing less though.