Back 2 China

Our time at home was extended and it is starting to wind down… can’t believe in less than a week we will be heading back to Shanghai. It was good to be home and have lots of time to see everyone and catch up. Sorry to those we have not had a chance to be with due to holidays, schedules and John’s appointments.

It will be interesting to see how we experience China in year 2. Many people say they don’t have the same ‘awe’ as unusual things are expected and common place. This year there will be lots of new staff as many long-term teachers (4-5 years) have left. The climate and dynamics of the school will be different and it will be interesting to have lots of new people and see things through their eyes as we reminisce how we felt a year ago.

It also will be interesting to have a new class. I will always hold a special place in my heart for my 2010-11 class as they were my ‘first’ overseas class. Can I love my new class as much? I am sure, but it will be different. I can’t wait to see my previous students and see how much they have grown over the summer.

Well in a week or so I will have another post about going back to China as we will travel through Dubai. We have a longer layover this time and will be able to explore the city briefly.

So stay tuned for more adventures this time from Dubai!

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2 thoughts on “Back 2 China

  1. Freda Goulet

    Travel safely…stay well. Thanks, John, for bringing Josh’s scooter. He loves it! It was good to see you both…keep in touch.
    Aunt Freda

  2. Leslie

    Take care (HUG)