Ephemeral -Shanghai Silly

Time and life is fleeting… As Ferris Bueller said “If you don’t stop and look around once and awhile – you will miss it.”  Our time in Shanghai has become ephemeral, fleeting and lasting for a short time. Sure it has been almost 5 years, but now we are down to months. Three more months. As I reflect and look around I try to soak up those sounds, smells and sights that I want to remember. What will I see and do for the last time? What do I want to hold onto? Counting down the days is bitter-sweet. I am excited to go home and start a new adventure, but want to savour the last days here too. Enjoy it while I can.

As you know there is always things in Shanghai that you may never see anywhere else. That awe and wonder is what made the little daily things fun. It kept us sane as we would laugh and say “Now that will make a good post!”. I didn’t want to lose that feeling, but after a few years many things became normal and part of the every day. Somethings still stood out and once I finally invested in a smart phone I was able to capture more of those fleeting moments that only could be seen to believed.

What do you notice about this picture?

What do you notice about this picture?

One day I was out walking and it was a beautiful sunny day. At the light we waited for it to turn green, so we could cross. A large truck did not advance when the light changed and as we stood waiting I realised the driver had his shoes off and feet on the dash. Ok…

I thought I had seen it all, but napping at the intersection coming off a major highway? NOW I have seen it all.

I thought I had seen it all, but napping at the intersection coming off a major highway? NOW I have seen it all.

as I crossed the street I noticed in fact he was sleeping at the intersection! Now that was worthy of going back and snapping a pic. Another Shanghai Silly, ephemeral…

What is the funniest thing you have seen at an intersection?

Stay tuned… and check out WP for other interpretations.



Categories: China, Chinese Adventures, Tourist in My Own Town, unique experiences, Weekly Photo Challenge | Tags: , , , , , ,

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22 thoughts on “Ephemeral -Shanghai Silly

  1. Pingback: Ephemeral #2 -Frozen in Time | Canadian Travel Bugs

  2. Too funny CTB! I’m saying the truck was broken down (very chinese) and he was waiting for the repair vehicle. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!! Don’t know which I enjoyed more, this or the flying children! You nailed this one in both responses!

  3. I wonder how it’ll feel to be home again. Will life be boring or will you see things in a whole different light?

    • It will be hard to go back when all is the same around me and I have changed. I am expecting that, so I may be ready for it. However, we may be returning home to another part of the country. The job situation is not good for me and hubby has found something elsewhere, so we may need to move across country. It will be a new adventure and chances to explore new things, but all on Canadian soil.

  4. I would have wanted to poke with him a stick. To make sure, ya know?

    • LOL never thought of that! He had moved over to the passenger side, so I am guessing it was intentional. As I returned a few hours later he was gone. In Shanghai you will see people napping all over, on the metro, in a taxi, on a bus. When we first arrived even on a street bench, or low wall. That is less common now. Still I like your idea 😉

      • Maybe the driver decided he wanted to take a nap in the shade and his co-pilot was comfortable right where he was… I’d like to think that the sleeper in the passenger seat was the victim of a prank. (I guess that’s American thinking.)

        • This is pretty normal for China and us expats find it amusing. That is what makes Shanghai so interesting and kept us here for 5 years! (And kept me blogging 😉 )

  5. Haha! Amusing and would be tough to do in India as everyone would by honking, getting out and yelling… no doubt even resorting to a bit of physical violence if in North India…

    However one sight a friend from Beijing couldn’t get over when she came to visit me in Mumbai were folks out walking their goats. I mean, that’s normal right? Happens all the time before Eid.

    I honestly didn’t register her surprise and amusement until I put my ‘Urban Canadian’ glasses back on. 🙂

    • Ha ha walking your goat. My friend from home went to India for work and commented on cows are just walking around the streets. That would be funny… and all relative.
      Normally this road is very busy and people would be honking and going crazy. People honk SOON as the lights go green, or pass you so they don’t have to wait. For this guy people honked and went around assuming it was broken down I guess. It was also an unusually quiet day, so no big issues just staying parked.

  6. I guess he just couldn’t stay awake a moment longer! Hysterical! Enjoy your last three months. Time is a tricky thief. 😉👍

    • Sometimes I wish I could just fall asleep anywhere… but never thought of a busy road/intersection. He didn’t even pull over! As Tina said maybe he had a break down and took that opportunity to nap.
      I am sure the last 3 months will fly by especially with so much packing to do. Just hoping it all fits and I don’t have double/triple what I came with 😉

  7. Pingback: April Fooled.. Last of the Literary Fest | litadoolan

  8. At first I thought hmm, this is nothing new to me. Until I realized he was putting his truck right there in the middle of road. Hwooowww.

    • I know in the middle of a busy intersection! CRAZY! I don’t know how he didn’t create an accident or problem with someone beeping and freaking out. Patience is something drivers in Shanghai don’t have and forget shoulder checking, looking you just drive! It still scares me a little even after 5 years here. Despite the chaos I haven’t been witness to many accidents and only maybe 1-2 fender benders in 5 years. That is pretty good.
      Regardless shoes off, sound asleep in the middle of an intersection…. priceless!
      Thanks for the visit and taking the time to comment.

  9. Pingback: Blur -WP Photo Challenge | Canadian Travel Bugs

  10. Such a great tribute to fleeting moments and the power they have.