Weekly Photo Challenge: Today

This week’s photo challenge is TODAY from Word Press. You can’t use an old favourite you actually had to get out of the house and shoot! Great idea. Well fellow followers you know how busy I have been and there has been little free time to escape the monotony of life… reports are due in a few days and I had a unit to plan (last one for the year!), marking, editing reports… and then the chores around the house: laundry, shopping, ironing, cleaning up. I gave myself a few hours this weekend to post and catch up on some fellow blogs. I left that aside for a bit and went out with my camera while I did the shopping for an hour and hoped to catch something cool, interesting and worth posting. Well as Murphy’s Law would have it I came up with nothing. I always see the interesting when I don’t have the camera, or no time to make the shot. Today in search of things with my camera at the ready I saw nothing extraordinary. It was a dull cloudy day too…bah humbug!

Anyway I captured these flowers in my complex and I liked how the one bloom was 2 colours. So here is my photo from today. I am not happy with it and sorry to disappoint. I will be on the look out and maybe can try again tomorrow.

Categories: Photography, post a week, Weekly Photo Challenge | Tags: , , , , ,

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22 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Today

  1. I think you are being way too hard on yourself! It is lovely!!!! I can’t remember what these are called either but I love how it has shades of lavender and pink all in one flower. I believe I have this kind of plant in my garden but it has only halfway bloomed once since we lived here. The name is on the tip of my tongue! What are you plans for the summer? Do you teach summer school?

    • Thanks. I went in search of something exotic and that is why I was disappointed.
      I head home in just under a month to see family and friends. No other travel plans since home is such a long trip and expensive.

  2. Shannon Hadley

    Hydrangeas are such a gorgeous subject, thanks for sharing!

  3. It might had been a cloudy day but you chose to fing joy, beauty and optimism. You have brightness in your heart that no weather can change. Beautiful flower photo. Thanks.

    • thanks… your kind words made my day 🙂 I was hoping for something unusual that you can only see here in China. When I saw the flowers I took a few snaps and then I saw the bi-coloured one and knew that was it.

  4. Freda Goulet

    I love the contrasting colors in this flower…is it a hydranga? It is beautiful. I think I read somewhere that the acidity of the soil determines the colors of these flowers….but I’m no expert!

    • I am not sure the flower name and I thought it was hydranga. It was lovely. There were 3 colours on the bush -white, pink and purple. I had never seen the 2 colours on one bloom before though!

  5. Northern Narratives

    I love the two colors. Its beautiful 🙂

  6. Sometimes simple is just as good

    • Yes, but this is China and sometimes things are totally unexpected… I wanted to share some of the unusual things I have seen… oh not to be this time, so that will leave me something to post another day 🙂

      • Exactly…and sometimes it is nice to see that our lives have similarities as well…just my thoughts anywho !

        • True… but I would like to share some of the cool things I have seen. I actually got something so I will be doing another post!

  7. Wow – nice catch! Usually hydrangea’s are either pink or blue, depending of the level of acidity in the soil…. it almost like someone treated only half the roots to change the pH in the soil around them! In any case, the flowers are lovely!

    • As far as I know this is just a bush that has been left to its own devices…. it is in the playground in my apartment compound. Maybe the acicity comes from the pollution and rain? yuck! This bush actually had 3 colours on it pink, white and blue!

  8. Lovely, delicate colours.

  9. jakesprinter

    Excellent post 🙂